Yum Have you ever tried to make your own kombucha from scratch? It is surprisingly simple, very interesting, and incredibly tasty. Kombucha is made by feeding a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) with sweetened tea. The yeast and bacteria help each other convert the tea to a really […]
To make your own kombucha, as described here, you absolutely need a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, also known as a SCOBY. If you ask around or check online, someone in your network or community might be making kombucha and have SCOBY colonies to give away. Failing that, this […]
Here is the recipe I followed to make mula ko achaar – daikon pickled with mustard seeds in oil. It was served along side dal bhat tarkari in the main post for Nepal. In Nepali cooking, pickles have a very important role and they are vegan to boot! Yum Achaar […]
The main post for Romania details how to make sarmale, Romanian cabbage rolls based on fermented whole heads of cabbage. To save time but retain that special flavour you get with lactic acid fermentation, I decided to create my own recipe. Lactic acid fermentation is a very common method of […]
When writing my post on lactic acid fermentation, I dug too deep in some topics and decided to create two posts. The first post deals with how to make your own lactic acid ferments and this post deals with safety and some details on iodine and chlorine. Scientific literatureIf you […]
Fermentation is an ancient practice used to preserve food, help digestion, make nutrients more available and, most importantly today, introduce and improve flavors [1]. People have been fermenting food since ancient days and it has even been proposed that beer making is the very reason we even gave up our […]